【我出course 啦😆】 多謝 #snapask 俾咗個機會我,努力咗三個幾月,集合在我呢幾年私補同教學嘅精華,(好似係)地表最強嘅 #ICT Intensive Course 終於出爐啦😍
係呢個六堂嘅Intensive Course入面,小弟整理咗Compulsory、Elective C同Elective D 嘅內容同考試重點,等你可以輕鬆應付公開試!🧑🏻💻呢個course 仲包括:
🔨 超過 100 條導讀、自習題目
💭 幾個 mental models,等你更加容易記得重點
🎯 重點翻溫比較難嘅課題,例如TCP/IP模型、公鑰加密嘅兩種用法
😶 唔好笑嘅爛gag
如果你係今年嘅ICT考生,或者識人今年考嘅話,可以去 https://snapask.com/zh-hk/course/134 到睇下!
I guess it’s only right to write a few words on my personal account, to record myself and see how I’ve changed over the years.
The young me often makes decisions on a whim. Studying ICT was one of such decisions - it feels right to study ICT because I’ve been doing well in junior. Similarly, I study IS just because it feels right to do so as an ICT student.
Fun fact: decisions eventually lead you somewhere- somewhere you haven’t expected.
Learning ICT in secondary education makes me a critical-thinker. I’ve developed a sense of appreciation towards IT by seeing how pieces are put together to form a picture. Studying IS at University, on the other hand, makes me more analytical- especially on how human and business works with IT.
These decisions also expose me to opportunities, opportunities that I have never thought of.
The first of which is, without a doubt, my time teaching small classes in King Ling. It’s still one of the most amazing experience I’ve ever had; to connect with some 200 King Ling students. If you are one of the students of mine, and for whatever reason, you are still reading this passage written by “a grumpy man”, all I’ve wanted to say is, “Thank you. I am fortunate to have you as my amazing student, and you don’t know how much impact you have on me. I hope you are doing well in this trying time.”
The second of which is my private tutoring to ICT students. I never think I’m a good teacher - I’m sloppy in explaining ideas and often lazy in preparing my material. You guys have tolerated me - an ordinary person with many mistakes. I can only be forever grateful. I wish you’d forgive me if I couldn’t help you attain a better result.
The third of which is projects given by my ISOM professors. These coding projects are daunting, but you’ve provided guidance and support along the way. Most importantly, you have reassured me that I’m worthy in one of the most confusing periods of my life. There are simply no words to explain my gratitude.
The fourth of which is this project. I guess it’s too early to call if this project succeeds or failed. But I can still be grateful for the trust being put on me. It’s absolutely amazing working with you guys. Do I feel scared making these decisions? Absolutely.
I’m a normal person. I am flawed in many ways, constantly doubting myself if I’ve made the right decision. I constantly disregard everything I’ve ever achieved and focus on the pain and suffering. I am still lost, not knowing what to do with my life.
But if I’ve learnt one thing from my last years is this:
- Be yourself and be courageous.
- Even if decisions are not made with a solid ground, put your whole heart in, leave no stones unturned.
- Be kind with all might.
Opportunities will knock for the prepared. When it does, take it. Awful things may happen - you may not reap what you sowed. But if you do, be grateful.
And I hope I’ll be less scared to make a big decision next time. Until then, take care.
Willis, 2021