Willis WAN, Chun Yu


2016-2020: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • First Class Honors: Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems and Operations Management)
  • Final GGA: 3.663 / 4.30
Academic Awards
Date Award
2017/18 Spring Dean's List
2018/19 Fall Dean's List
2018/19 Spring Dean's List
April 2019 Student's Academic Excellence Award
2019/20 Fall IS Academic Achievement Award
2019/20 Winter IS Academic Achievement Award
2019/20 Spring IS Academic Achievement Award
Notable Courses
Course Code Course Title Grade
COMP 1029C C Programming Bridging Course Pass
COMP 1029J Java Programming Bridging Course Pass
COMP 1029P Python Programming Bridging Course Pass
COMP 2711 Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science A-
ISOM 3180 Telecommunications and Computer Networking Management A+
ISOM 3210 Information Systems Analysis and Design A+
ISOM 3230 Business Applications Development A+
ISOM 3260 Database Design and Administration A+
ISOM 3340 Developing AI Applications Pass
ISOM 3360 Data Mining for Business Analytics B+
ISOM 3400 Python Programming for Business Analytics A+
ISOM 3540 Introduction to Probability Models A
ISOM 3710 Management Science A
ISOM 4100 Information Systems Auditing A+
ISOM 4300 Information Systems Control and Assurance A
ISOM 4520 Statistics for Financial Risk Management A
ISOM 4720 Simulation in Business and Management A+
ISOM 4740 Enterprise Resource Management A
Result of HKDSE, 2016
Subject Grade
English 5*
Reading 5**
Writing 5*
Listening and Integrated Skills 5
Speaking 5**
Mathematics 5*
Mathematics (Module 2) 5
Information and Communication Technology
(Multimedia Production and Web Site Authoring)
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Accounting) 5
Physics 5

Working Experience

ICT Tutor (Freelance), Snapask

December 2020 - July 2022

  • Prepared and recorded 48 lessons on the new syllabus of ICT
  • Prepared and taught over 40 live lessons on ICT through Zoom
  • Prepared and taught 2 intensive courses for candidates of HKDSE
  • Course page can be accessed here: https://snapask.com/zh-hk/course/134

Research Assistant (Part-time), HKUST

February 2020 - July 2022

  • Prepared and constructed a full-stack experiment website using MSSQL & PHP for an IS research study on localization
  • Extracted and analysed experiment data

  • Prepared and constructed a full-stack website using ReactJS (Next.js) and MySQL (with Prisma) for a Fintech Project

Teaching Assistant (Student Helper), HKUST

February - April 2020

  • Taught in a Python programming course designed for new business students

English Tutor (Part-time), King Ling College

August 2017 - August 2019

  • Welcomed and befriended with over 180 new entrants of the school
  • Arrange teaching schedule and material for the 15-day summer course within a month

Associations and Activities

Member, Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC), Department of ISOM, HKUST


  • Liaised with professors and convey students' concern regularly



  • Proficient in Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) and English

Web Development

  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Javascript (ES6), PHP
  • Experience in Oracle SQL, MySQLi, React.js (with Next.js), Express, and AstroJS
  • Experience in Prisma (ORM)
  • Experience in Operating Windows Server and Linux Server (Ubuntu CLI)


  • Proficient in Python and JavaSCript
  • Experiennce in VBA, Java, C and C++

Data Analysis and Machine Learning

  • Proficient in Data Cleansing, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Data Mining using-
    NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, StatsModels, and SciKit-Learn
  • Experience in Artificial Intelligence using-
  • Experience in Data Cleansing and Exploratory Data Analysis using-

Enterprise Resource Planning

  • Experience in SAP